Communication is crucial for meetings of boards of directors for non-profit organizations.
It is essential that your board members are aware of the purpose of their meetings and how they are connected with the overall strategy of your organization. Rather than wasting time discussing routine, basic updates that can be communicated in advance through your board portal or in board package meetings, it’s important to keep the discussion focused on the generative goals and strategic decisions that can help your nonprofit grow.
Create a schedule and provide the agenda to your board members prior to the meeting. This will allow them to understand the purpose of the meeting. Nothing can ruin a productive meeting faster than having your board members arrive to their meeting and scrambling to review the documents, reports, and other documents they require to be able to participate in discussions at the meeting.
Be sure to include the « mission moment » at each board meeting that showcases real-life achievements and the advancements of your organization. This will allow your board members to remain engaged and motivated throughout the duration of each meeting. When your mission statement involves sharing testimonials or videos, it’s an excellent way to keep your board members energized and invested in the success of your organization. When it’s time to concentrate on fundraising or other responsibilities, your board members will have the energy they need to accomplish the goals of your organization. For more tips on running a successful board meeting for nonprofits check out our article here.